Fundraising 2025 — Million Dollar Bike Ride

Fundraising FAQ

Note: UPENN cannot directly accept team donations. Please donate via Pledge It or directly to the team's organziation

How can I donate via wire transfer?

Please reach out to your team captain on how to send a wire directly to their organization.

How do I find out if my company will match a gift?

Your donation to your team may multiply in value with a gift match. Many employers will match charitable contributions made by an employee, or an employee’s spouse or partner. Consult your employer’s HR office to find out your company’s matching gifts policy and obtain forms.

Please note: some matching gift companies only match quarterly. Many of these funds will come in after the ride is completed.

What forms of payment are accepted by the Pledge It website?

Pledge It accepts Visa, Mastercard, American Express, and Discover.

Where can I find the custom URL on my Pledge It page?

Once you are signed into Pledge It, navigate to "My Team" on your landing page. Once on your page, you can click the "share" button and you can copy your URL from there by clicking the "Copy Page URL". You will also see the option to share on Facebook, X, and via email/text.

Who do I write my check to?

All donations made to a Million Dollar Bike Ride team should be mailed directly to their team organization. Please reach out to your team captain for the best way to address and send a check.

How can I add check, bank wire, or stock transfer donations in my Fundraising Page?

Please email Leslie at and she will be able to assist.

What happens if I don't meet my fundraising minimum by the deadline of June 27, 2025?

During registration, you committed to reaching a fundraising minimum and authorized the Million Dollar Bike Ride to charge your credit card the remaining balance on or after June 27, 2025. After this date, you will be held to the fundraising minimum of $250.

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If you have more specific questions that you would like answered, please contact us at